
Liposuction removes fat from your body using suction. This surgery is very popular among women for whom diet and exercise have shown limited improvement. Working on an area of the body is called liposuction, working on several areas of the body is called liposculpture. It is important to remember the purpose of liposuction is not weight loss per se, even though  we can eliminate between 5 and 10 liters of fat. The purpose is to give the body an aesthetic and harmonious figure. Liposuction and / or liposculpture is performed with epidural anesthesia and sedation. Depending on the amount of fat that is to be removed and the areas to be treated, you may be able to go home the same day or have to stay in the hospital overnight. The liposuction equipment that we have today is very advanced and the precise extraction of fat makes it easier for the surgeon to perform an excellent work. During the intervention a cannula is connected to a suction machine and extracts the fat from the selected areas. During the process, the amount of fat removed is constantly measured. After surgery you will be asked to wear a special garment designed to reduce inflammation and tighten the skin. You can wear this garment under clothing. It is normal for the covered area to become swollen  or show bruising after surgery. The appearance varies depending on the patient and depends to some extent on the body’s reaction to the procedure and the amount of fat removed. In general, most of bruising and swelling disappeared within two or three weeks. It is recommended to avoid excessive exercise for about six weeks and be off work for seven to fourteen days. Various areas can be treated in one intervention. When the inflammations and bruises are gone, you will be encouraged to exercise to optimize results.

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