Plastic Surgery in Baja


Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the eyelids. During blepharoplasty, excess skin and fat are surgically removed from the eyelids, resulting in a rejuvenated and revitalized appearance. Beyond the cosmetic benefits, blepharoplasty can also improve functional issues related to sagging or drooping eyelids.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. Before the surgery, a thorough evaluation is conducted to determine the patient’s goals and assess any functional or aesthetic concerns. If there is a lack of excess skin, Dr. Yañez may opt to do a plasma peel instead of a blepharoplasty. If there is some fat in the lower eyelid, minimal liposuction may be performed as well.
The blepharoplasty procedure is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. It is often performed with a face-lift. The surgeon then makes incisions along the natural creases of the eyelids to minimize visible scarring. Excess skin, fat, and sometimes muscle are carefully removed or repositioned to achieve the desired outcome. The incisions are closed with fine sutures, and the recovery process begins.

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Blepharoplasty offers numerous cosmetic benefits that can significantly enhance a person’s appearance. The procedure effectively addresses issues such as drooping upper eyelids, under-eye bags, and puffy lower eyelids, which can make individuals appear older, tired, or even sad. By removing excess skin and fat, blepharoplasty creates a smoother and more defined eyelid contour, giving the eyes a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance. The surgery can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, further contributing to a more youthful look. Overall, blepharoplasty can help individuals regain their self-confidence and achieve a more vibrant and attractive facial appearance.


In addition to the cosmetic advantages, blepharoplasty can address functional concerns associated with sagging or drooping eyelids. These functional issues can affect an individual’s vision and daily activities. Excessive skin on the upper eyelids may impair peripheral vision, making tasks such as driving or reading challenging. Additionally, the weight of heavy, sagging eyelids can cause fatigue and strain on the eye muscles, leading to eye discomfort or headaches. Blepharoplasty helps alleviate these functional problems by removing the excess skin and fat, thereby restoring a more natural eyelid position. The procedure not only improves the field of vision but also relieves the strain on the eye muscles, allowing for improved eye comfort and reduced fatigue.

Lower Blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and minor discomfort in the treated area. Cold compresses, prescribed medications, and following post-operative care instructions can help manage these symptoms effectively. The sutures are typically removed within 5 to 7 days, and most patients can return to their regular activities within a week or two after the procedure.

The results of blepharoplasty become gradually noticeable as the swelling subsides, revealing a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Patients often report feeling more confident and satisfied with their overall facial appearance. The effects of blepharoplasty are long-lasting, although the natural aging process will continue. However, many individuals find that the benefits of the surgery are significant and enduring, making blepharoplasty a rewarding investment in their appearance and self-esteem.

lepharoplasty is a popular cosmetic procedure that offers both aesthetic and functional benefits. By addressing sagging or drooping eyelids, the surgery enhances the appearance of the eyes, creating a more youthful and refreshed look. Simultaneously, it improves vision, alleviates discomfort, and reduces eye strain, leading to a better quality of life for many individuals.