Plastic Surgery in Baja

Post-op care

An adult must drive you home after surgery.

Get enough rest and eat a balanced soft diet , based on vegetables, fruits, meat ( fish and chicken only).

Take prescription medications as directed.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Use cotton underwear.

Avoid alcohol for 3 weeks , this can cause fluid retention .

Do not smoke. Cigarette smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications.

No lifting over 5 pounds. You can start exercising gradually 40 days after surgery

Wash with soap and water and applied to the wounds clean gauze .

You may shower, wetting standard sutures .

Keep wounds clean and inspect daily for signs of infection.

Soak in water until the wounds are completely healthy and dry.

Wear a garment during they. At night you must remove it.

Surgical drain will be removed on the first or second postoperative visit. Or once draining is less
than 30ml (1/ 2 oz . ) In 24 hours. NOTE : You should never wash or rinse the drain.

The sutures are absorbable and will disappear over time.

You may be advised to massage to improve blood circulation.

Massage according to the doctor’s instructions.

post-op care how-to videos

Seroma removal instructions


Post-op care

Before and after pictures
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