Plastic Surgery in Baja

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure. Thanks to the high quality of silicone implants, breasts look and feel natural.

The results of breast augmentation depend on the current size and shape of the breast. In general, our patient can increase their breast size by two cup.

It is always important to have the advice of a doctor, who will be responsible for assessing whether surgery is necessary to complement it with another procedure.

Choosing the correct implant size is one of the most difficult decisions of the breast augmentation procedure. So when selecting an implant you must take into account the opinion of your surgeon, who will recommend a proper size implant for both your body according to your expectations.

The breast tissue has good stretchability and usually the size of implants will be calculated up to two sizes bigger then your current cup size (to add a cup size, implants should be between 200 and 250 cc). If you want more, we will have to repeat the process a few months later. However, without medical advice it is very difficult to predict the ideal size of implants for the body of a patient. This is because each patient is different in terms of size, skin elasticity and texture.


Right after breast augmentation surgery, your breasts will be look and feel larger than intended due to swelling of the tissues and the body’s adaptation to implants. Only after three to six months your breasts will settlle. You can then select the correct bra size.

Breast lift

The breast lift is ideal for those who are unhappy with their breast size and also need a lift. A lift is usually performed with the breast augmentation.

Breast pexia surgery involves lifting and repositioning the breast in its natural position after removing excess breast tissue as well as the remodeling of its contour (relocation of the areola and nipple).

In a mastopexy a surgeon’s incisions are barely detectable around the areola though, depending on the degree of descent of the nipple, sometimes it is necessary to extend them to the submammary fold.

Also, in case a women has small breast, surgeons usually recommend inserting smaller implants,for a better result-.

In some patients, breast sag due to excess breast volume. In these cases, some surgeons suggest complementing the mastopexy with a reduction surgery.

This surgery can be performed on younger women, but it is recommended for women who already have children or having discomfort and are insecure by an abnormal change in the position or size of their breasts. However, each case are unique, so a certified plastic surgeon is the best person to provide personalized advice and assess whether you are a candidate or not for a mastopexy.

Breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Typically this procedure takes two to three hours. Scars may be visible. During the first month, scars will be a little red. After a year scars become very soft and white and, in some cases, they will become almost imperceptible to the eye.